Multi-Scale Brain Imaging Lab
The MSBIL is the research laboratory of Dr. Elizabeth Hutchinson, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ.
Research Mission
Our research is focused on the accurate and validated mapping of microscale cellular features and physiologic phenomena across the entire brain with the goal of identifying novel non-invasive markers of brain pathology. We primarily apply diffusion-based MRI strategies to accomplish this in pre-clinical and translational models of healthy and pathologic brains. Ongoing projects in the lab include: Comparative analysis of conventional and cutting-edge microstructural MRI techniques in healthy brains across species, Identification of novel microstructural MRI markers of Alzheimer's related pathology in human post-mortem tissue, In-vivo validation of conventional and experimental MRI measurement of CSF transport, High-throughput rodent brain imaging of traumatic brain injury (TBI) outcomes and potential therapeutic modification by transcranial ultrasound. Our vision is that these projects among other collaborative efforts will advance knowledge, diagnostic tools and treatment of human brain disorders.

Image Gallery
We are a neuroimaging lab, so a great way to learn about our research interests is in this gallery of recent and favorite images.

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